Thursday, March 31, 2011

{march: week five}

Field Trip: Local Farm

Miss B on her pony

Miss A on her pony

Letter of the Week:  Z

Handwriting Practice:  Z

Getting to Know the letter

Zebra Stripes {Letter-Sound Association}
This idea was taken from the Education Center's Circle Time from A to Z. {Students draw a zigzag or a zebra stripe on the letter Z.  Students say the /z/ sound as they take turns.}

Loose at the Zoo {Letter Identification}
This idea was taken from the Education Center's Circle Time from A to Z. {All the "Zs" escaped from the zoo, along with some other letters.  Students choose a letter.  If it is the letter Z, students can put the letter back in the cage at the zoo.  If not, the letter doesn't go back in the cage.}

Catching Some Zs {Letter Recognition}
This idea was taken from the Education Center's Circle Time from A to Z. {If a student chooses a letter Z, all of the students repeat, "I'm catching some Zs!"
 and pretend to sleep.  If the letter is not a Z, students identify the letter and wait for the next card.}

Words Their Way: 
Selection 5: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Color of the Month: Blue

Shape of the Month:  Rhombus Registered & Protected


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