Wednesday, March 28, 2012

In like a lion . . .

In March, we talked about weather and how it can be different all around the world, even on the same day.  We read the book On the Same Day in March by  Marilyn Singer.  We have also talked a lot about how the weather this winter has not been typical. :)  March has had quite a variety of weather, and we talked about typical weather and the proverb "In like a lion, out like a lamb."  We ran out of time and only completed about half of our lambs, so we'll be completing them and practicing the following poem:

Poem by Lorie Hill
March roars in like a lion
So fierce, the wind so cold,
It seems to pierce.
The month rolls on
And spring draws near
And March goes out
Like a lamb so dear.

In like a lion . . . Registered & Protected


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